Why Your Business Should Start a Podcast… Like ASAP!

How often do you catch someone reading the paper in a park? Not as often as you used to, that’s for sure. Newspaper sales are down and articles are significantly shorter. Why? Shorter attention spans. People are busy, on the go, and they don’t find time to sit down and read. But they do have time to listen.
Podcasts reach those infamous multitaskers. Since it doesn’t require your visual attention, people listen to them anytime, anywhere. That’s the appeal. Reach your audience while they’re making dinner or driving the kids to soccer practice, not just during that small sliver of the day devoted to reading the news.
While a few years ago podcasts were few and far between, today there seem to be thousands on every topic: vegan cooking, parenting, murder mysteries…you name it, there’s a podcast for it. But the one podcast that doesn’t exist yet is yours. Here’s why starting a podcast will help your business and grow your digital following.
Reach Wider Audiences
While it is important to always engage current customers, reaching potential listeners who do not know about your company can expand your reach even further. By the end of 2021, the number of monthly U.S. podcast listeners will increase by 10.1% year-over-year to a whopping 117.8 million total listeners. That’s nearly ⅓ of the total U.S. population!! Most likely, your target audience falls into that demographic.
There is no doubt that the majority of loyal podcast listeners are young. This year, more than 60% of US adults ages 18 to 34 will listen to podcasts monthly. So, reach your future clientele their way: through speech, stories and sounds.
Increase Website Traffic
The more people that know about you the better, right? Podcasts are an additional marketing medium that you should take advantage of to increase the promotion of your other business platforms (like your website).
Starting a podcast can help boost your search rank on your niche business and topic. Plus, highly engaged listeners are likely to click through to your links, leading to increased time spent on your website. Remember, people can’t find you if they don’t know you. So grab a mic and introduce yourself!
Build Personal Connections
Let’s put a face (or a voice) to your business’ name. There’s something more personal about a phone call than a text, right? Same thing applies.
People know you and your brand through your website, social media, news releases, and more. These are all positive forms of communication about your business, but they’re almost entirely writing-based. Podcasts allow for your future consumers to hear your feelings and emotions when writing can only go so far. Include that human dimension to build connections with new customers.
Not sure where to begin? It’s to be expected. Getting started is always the hardest part. But remember, for all things media, we have your back. Whether it’s increasing your marketing strategies, expanding your social media following or distributing the latest episode to your new podcast, email us at info@onthemarcmedia.com.