Free Mental Health Screening App For May-Mental Health Month
May is Mental Health Month and WhatsMyM3 is commemorating it by offering their mobile mental health screening app at no charge for the entire month! The app allows you to take the only screen that looks for the four most prevalent mental health issues: anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder and bipolar disorder. It also lets you save your results so you can monitor your progress over time. WhatsMyM3 is the the leading international app for mental health and it is available in 12 languages.
“You know your other important health numbers – your cholesterol levels, your heart rate and blood pressure. Now for the first time, we finally have a number that gauges mental health. By knowing your M3 score and then getting the right treatment, you should have more success managing all your numbers, because mental health affects everything,” said Larry Culpepper, M.D., Family Medicine, Boston University.
For a limited time only, WhatsMyM3’s free mental health screening application is available through iTunes ( and GooglePlay (
You can also take the screen for free online at
To end stigma about mental health and to raise awareness about the need for everyone to be screened please share the image below on your social media platforms. Everyone has a number. #WhatsYourNumber. It only takes three minutes to find out.