Snow Way: Schools Chief Responds to Snow Days Issue Dividing Montgomery County

Students probably aren’t complaining, but as off days pile up like the snow, many Montgomery County, MD parents wonder why there can’t be a split decision before canceling school. Their argument goes, “If only the northern part of the county is affected, why does everyone get the day off? Couldn’t the county be cut in half, off-day wise?”
In this must-see, must-share exclusive with On The Marc Media, Montgomery County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Joshua Starr says it’s a (s)no(w) go on any changes. It’s just not feasible, he says. Among the points Dr. Starr makes: many people, including Magnet School students and staffers, have to travel quite a distance to get to their schools. (Some employees come from as far away as West Virginia). The weather may be great where they live, but what awaits them at the schools, and vice versa? In addition, there are 1200 buses traveling 17,000 miles every school day and 18 million square feet of parking lot space to clear of snow. While the issue may still divide MoCo, Dr. Starr has no plans to do the same when it comes to snow days.