On The Marc Media’s Sweet Tweets of the Week (so far…)

1. “CNN: Katie Holmes hostage situation ends.” (Neal Brennanþ @nealbrennan)
2. “Adele’s pregnant? She was Rollin in the Sheets” (Derek Loseke @AdmiralWhackbar)
3. “Do you think Adele’s pregnancy was planned? Or if it just turned up out of the blue uninvited?” (1D Update@1DUSUpdate)
4. “Tom Cruise is divorcing. Why do I get the feeling this story will involve Katie Holmes escaping a compound through an air duct?” (JP the Janitor @JPHaddadio)
5. “Whoa whoa whoa – so you’re saying that Anderson Cooper is gay? Next you’re going to tell me that TomKat is divorcing! Oh, wait…” (LeAnn @LeAnnChicago)
6. “Power outage tips: put a beer near each downed utility pole in your neighborhood. The electric company guys will get those poles first.” (Fake Dispatch @Fake_Dispatch)
7. “Tom Cruise is crying as he puts his Kissing Stepladder away in the closet where it will collect dust.” (li Yudin @eliyudin)
8. “Adele’s baby is due to release it’s first album “0” in nine months time.” (flabby whale @ohabigail)
9. “Sorry to hear that Tom Cruise’s marriage has jumped the couch.” (Al Yankovic @alyankovic)
10. “Adele’s baby: already trying to steal my thunder” (Suri’s Burn Book @suriburnbook)
11. “I will devote my entire life to Scientology if it turns out Katie Holmes is leaving Tom Cruise because he knocked up Adele.” (Nick Youssef @NickYoussef)