A Must Read: The Contract You’re About to Sign

Quick show of hands: How many people have signed the “Terms of Service” agreement on iTunes or put your signature on a rental car agreement without reading more than a few words, or at all? Pretty much everyone, right? You may be able to get away with it in those situations (only if you return the rental car intact), but in the business world, unread contracts can spell real trouble.
In a just published Huffington Post article, attorney and author Jack Garson cautions against rushing to sign a contract without thoroughly reading and understanding it. Garson warns that every day, “thousands of businesses put their companies in jeopardy when they rush to sign contracts. They don’t read them, they don’t understand them and they are not prepared for the consequences. It’s the opposite of I came, I saw, I conquered: I rushed, I signed, I regretted.” In addition, he writes there are no such things as “standard contracts,” or using the excuse that you have a good relationship with the other company. “Relationships and memories fade,” Garson says. “Contracts endure.”
Read Jack Garson in the Huffington Post.
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