Let’s Pin It! Five Reasons Businesses Should Use Pinterest

Pinterest isn’t just for brides-to-be and first-time homeowners. It provides a massive opportunity for all kinds of businesses. The four-year-old social media platform is like the “little” Facebook in 2008—their influence is significant and keeps increasing. It’s time to start pinning before it’s too late.
According to Shareaholic, Pinterest’s share of overall visits increased by 66% year-over-year. That’s more than any other social network. Pinterest now drives more traffic to publishers than Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit and Google+ combined.
On The Marc Media has five ways to help you make the most of Pinterest:
1. Make your brand visible
Pinterest is all about “vision,” so your brand needs to be visual and captivating. Use consistent graphic elements on your profile and throughout your boards. Add your logo to images or use your brand’s colors and fonts in pins. Some may not re-pin your pictures because of your logo, but they will connect your brand with the content you curate.
2. Drive traffic to your website/blog
Unlike some other social networks, pins to the content will often send a consistent flow of traffic for months rather than a just a quick burst that lasts only a few days. Every pin on Pinterest links to a website. Link to your company’s website or blog, and watch the increasing traffic. Your colorful content will drive website traffic, especially if you don’t have the resources to advertise.
3. Enhance your “traditional” marketing tools
A presence on Facebook and/or Twitter is no longer enough for your overall social media strategy. Pinterest can help you to modernize and engage your existing stakeholders.
4. Expand your potential target audience
Popular pins share certain similarities. They provide tips and useful information in a new, visual way. Take the Whole Foods‘ Pinterest, for example. One of the most successful Pinterest accounts has been able to reach young women with pins about wellness and fitness.
5. Know your competitors better
Pinterest is a great way to keep up with and get ahead of your competition. Take time to look at what your competitors are doing. Remember: Just because your competitor is doing it, doesn’t mean it’s the best strategy for your business. Check out your competition. Don’t copy them.