#HIMSS14: #HITsm-ers Dish on Who They’re Inviting to Dinner

We were fortunate enough to grab a few minutes with some of HealthIT’s savviest social media influencers at #HIMSS14 in Orlando to ask them a couple of questions we’re all dying to know. You may know @HealthyThinker, @WareFLO, @MandiBPro, @OchoTex and @DocWeighsIn from their Twitter bios, but now you can put a face with the handle.
Q: If you could have dinner with anyone in the Healthcare industry who would it be?
@MandiBPro: Dr. Doug Fridsma, the Chief Science Officer of the Office of the National Coordinator. He is brilliant, he is a visionary, he understands that what he really wants to implement is exceedingly difficult to do—so he is one of the rare visionaries who gets the challenge of implementation. There’s usually a tremendous gap. If they could throw Farzad in as well that would be fantastic, but Dr. Fridsma would be my first.
@OchoTex: I would probably have dinner with my friend Brian Ahier. I haven’t had dinner with him for a while. But he has a handle on all things health IT when it comes down to the government and regulations and that side of things. He’s a lot of fun and he’s just a brilliant guy and I’m lucky enough just to work with him on our blog.
@HealthyThinker: I’m having dinner with some great people already. I think Hillary Clinton would be my dream date—So Hillary if you’re listening and need a dinner companion tomorrow night I’m not leaving until Thursday morning.
@wareFLO: I would like to have dinner with Professor Wil van der Aalst. He is in the Netherlands and he is not only a healthcare work flow specialist but he is a work flow expert worldwide. He’s done over 20 or 30 papers on analyzing work flow and work flow patterns in healthcare that could literally save billions. I’ve met him several times, but I’ve never had the chance to have a beer and break bread with him so that would be my favorite dinner.