#HIMSS14: #HITsm-ers Share Their (Twitter) Guilty Pleasures

We were caught up in the #HIMSSanity last week in Orlando! We were fortunate enough to grab a few minutes with some of HealthIT’s savviest social media influencers at #HIMSS14 in Orlando to ask them a couple of questions we’re all dying to know. You may know @HealthyThinker, @WareFLO, @MandiBPro, @OchoTex and @DocWeighsIn from their Twitter bios, but now you can put a face with the handle.
Q: Twitter guilty pleasure: Who/what do you follow?
@MandiBPro: Most recently @SochiProblems14. I’ve been addicted to @SochiProblems14 — it’s horrible what’s going on over there and it’s a train wreck and you just can’t stop watching! I really enjoy @JTimberlake and @Big Bang_CBS. I love Sheldon Cooper, so it’s definitely a guilty pleasure.
@OchoTex: There’s this really funny guy, I think he’s an ad exec and his Twitter handle is @badbanana—I don’t know if you’ve seen it but he is hilarious. I followed him since I first signed in on Twitter several years ago.
@HealthyThinker: The last few months it’s been Downton Abbey—I follow the various Downton Abbey hashtags. And some comedians. I love to laugh so I follow @SarahKSilverman and I follow @Joan_Rivers—I love the women comedians a lot and some of the guys too actually.
@wareFLO: I call myself the king of all work flow in healthcare—I approve various efforts and tweet about them. In terms of hashtags I basically hashtag work flow. And then, of course, #healthIT and #HITSM because they are good sources. So I’ve been using that relentlessly the last couple of years to spread the word.
@DocWeighsIn: “I’m part of a community. A lot of us are here at HIMSS were named social media ambassadors and a lot of us tend to communicate all the time. So there’s Gregg Masters who is @2HealthGuru, and Wen Dombroski, who’s @HealthcareWen. There’s always the top of the Twitter influencers— @ePatientDave, @MandiBPro and a number of other ones—a community that really talks to each other all the time via the Twitter mechanism.
Stay tuned for more footage of #HIMSS14′s social media influencers!