Government Shutdown: What Happens When There Is No One to Tweet?

The Shutdown is underway. As you might expect, the Twitterverse exploded with news and views–while the accounts at so-called “non-essential” agencies went silent, with no one there to post.
Maybe it’s the extra time to ponder, but the comments on the topic are wildly creative. Here’s a collection of Tweets from #essentials and #nonessentials that grabbed #TeamOTMM’s attention:
Our top 10 tweets, in no particular order:
Government will not be sneaking Tweets during the Shutdown.
Restaurants and bars are feeding the furloughed.
Some are looking furloughed with benefits (we are re pretty sure they aren’t talking about health and vision benefits), is in the air with #shutdownpickuplines.
All is not lost, however. TIME Magazine has set up its own Giant Panda Cam at the National Zoo.