How to Get Sued by Your Employees — Let Jack Garson Count the Ways

In a just published Huffington Post column, Jack Garson counts the ways businesses can be sued by their employees. It is quite easy to get slapped with a lawsuit, because hundreds of laws regulating employee relations are complex, and sometimes counterintuitive and ever so easy to violate. Ask companies like Paula Deen Enterprises, Apple and Merrill Lynch.
Garson says lawsuits range from racial and sexual discrimination to violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Overtime cases are a growth industry and, if you have been watching the news, interns are fighting back more than ever–suing former employers who had them doing the work of a paid employee without the pay.
Many employer-employee fiascos arise because businesses simply do not know what employment laws actually require of them. Garson warns that common sense, following your gut or doing what other companies are doing is not the way to go. Even if you do not break the law or the case is dropped, your business can suffer at the hands of a lawsuit.
Garson’s advice to companies? Learn the law.
To learn more about how to protect your business against employee lawsuits, read Jack Garson’s Huffington Post column in full and follow @BizbyGarson on Twitter.