Big Score (Media-Wise) for OTMM client WhatsMyM3

The phrase “Whatsmym3” is becoming as familiar as “There’s an app for that.” In fact, there just happens to be an app for answering that important mental health question about your m3.
In case you missed all the recent media coverage about the On The Marc Media client, Whatsmym3 is a smartphone program (and an online screening test) that assigns a first-of-a-kind score for your mentalhealth. Download the app, or take the test online—and it assesses four different mental disorders: depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Having a number for your mental health is just like knowing your heart rate or bloodpressure. It helps you decide whether to seek professional help, and overtime, it helps you and your doctor chart your progress.
In addition to coverage on Washington, DC’s NBC4 (below), Whatsmym3 has just been spotlighted in USA Today, Washingtonian magazine and ABC7 in DC. That’s a big score media-wise for whatsmym3 and On The Marc Media.
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