American Gene Technologies CEO Jeff Galvin Has Made His Life’s Mission to Alleviate Human Suffering

Tucked away in the William Hanna Center for Innovation at Shady Grove in Rockville, Maryland is American Gene Technologies, a biotechnology company developing bio-safe, high efficiency lentivirus therapies to treat cancer and other chronic human diseases. In plain English, CEO Jeff Galvin and the his staff are working to end suffering by finding cures for devastating diseases including HIV and AIDS.
In a CBS Baltimore interview, Galvin explains, “As I get older, I see many people around me succumb to debilitating diseases that hinder their quality of life and sometimes result in extended periods of suffering in the final phases of terminal conditions. I believe that gene therapies will cure many of these diseases in an effective and practical way.”
Galvin cites education, community service and having a passion for helping others as keys to achieving career greatness. Read the full interview here.