More is More: The New Video Production Mantra
New research disproves the old adage that “less is more.” A recent Pew Research study found that when news organizations produce videos, content quality trumps length. In fact, the study shows that viewers prefer long, high-quality videos over short, high-quality videos–finding them more appealing overall.
So, what counts as a short or long video? A short video clocks in at an average of about 24 seconds, while a long video spans just over two minutes. To date, news organizations still haven’t found the magic formula that breaks down what makes viewers either completely enchanted by a video or entirely indifferent to the clip. As a result, they’ve been throwing darts in the dark by flooding the web with short videos–hoping something sticks and goes viral.
This has culminated in hours of work being thrown out the window for a shabby few hundred views, because pushing out a high volume of content often sacrifices audio quality and video composition. While viewers might continue watching a video containing quality content that wasn’t produced perfectly, it doesn’t mean looks don’t matter. Long, high-quality content matched with good production is a news organization’s best shot at engaging viewers.
This video, produced by On The Marc Media for Positive Changes Hypnosis, is a perfect example. It hits the length sweet spot, coming in at a minute and 44 seconds. Yet, its duration doesn’t compromise style, as the story is still compelling and paired with high-quality visual details.
What’s the lesson here? More is more when it comes to producing online news videos, so don’t sacrifice quality content for a shorter story.