What Do You Get When Twitter & Google Join Forces?

It’s official: thanks to Twitter, Google searching just got way more fun. The two Internet superpowers decided to join forces to give a makeover to the Google search process. Now, a mini-twitter feed is displayed for the person, brand, or hashtag you look-up on Google.
For example, Google “Donald Trump.” First, there are links to articles where he is in the news. Next, a small version of Donald Trump’s most recent Twitter feed appears. The mini-twitter feed also has a scroll button to comb-over to his past tweets. (You see what we did there, right?)
Of course, keeping your account private is still an option. So if you’re hiding juicy secret opinions in a private Twitter account, they won’t show up in a Google search.
The partnership isn’t entirely new, since mini-twitter feeds have been available in mobile searches since May, but this is the first time they are available on desktop. Now go forth and stalk – or search.